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“Go outside. Go often. Bring friends. Breathe.”

The recently released book “The Nature Fix” written by prize-winning author Florence Williams is an intrepid investigation into nature’s restorative benefits.

From the video description on Youtube:

“The Nature Fix demonstrates that our connection to nature is much more important to our cognition than we think and that even small amounts of exposure to the living world can improve our creativity and enhance our mood. In prose that is incisive, witty, and urgent, Williams shows how time in nature is not a luxury but is in fact essential to our humanity. As our modern lives shift dramatically indoors, these ideas—and the answers they yield—are more urgent than ever.”


I couldn’t agree more. Though I haven’t read the book yet, I enjoyed this short video by Florence and look forward to picking up a copy for the We Are Wildness office library.



Clic here to get the book on Amazon

the nature fix florence williams we are wildness

The message that time spent in nature each day is ESSENTIAL if we want to be the happiest, healthiest, most creative and successful version of ourselves is what inspired us to first create the Rewild Your Life 30 Day nature connection challenge back in 2013. It’s been our most popular offering to date and the main reason We Are Wildness has grown into what it is today. It’s deeply rewarding to have large groups of people from around the world taking the challenge several times per year, proving that there is a deeply essential need for nature connection in our modern day lives.

Kevin Park

Kevin Park

Kevin is the co-creator of We Are Wildness with his partner Alissa Wild. Lover of bikes, nature and e-commerce ????? CEO of: @myceliummarketing

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